OIKN Held International Conference on City Forest Development in IKN

IKN Nusantara.
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Arianti Widya

Kalimantan – The Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) held an International Conference with the theme 'Restoring Tropical Forest and Biocultural Diversity in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas'. This aims to realize the Government's commitment to build forest city in IKN Nusantara.

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This conference presented the International Conference on Forest City (ICFC) scientific forum which will be held at Mulawarman University, Samarinda this week.

Myrna Safitri, Deputy for Environment and Natural Resources at the IKN Authority said the ICFC conference would be a venue for academics, researchers, activists and practitioners from 12 countries to provide opinions and constructive input on the concept of forest cities, with a methodology that can be accounted for.

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“The commitment to build a forest city and restore biodiversity and culture is a shared responsibility," Safitri said on Wednesday (May 29).

Deputi Bidang Lingkungan Hidup dan Sumber Daya Alam Otorita IKN, Myrna Safitri Saat menanam pohon di miniatur hutan tropis di IKN

Photo :
  • VIVA.co.id/Jhovanda (Kalimantan Timur)
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Safitri further explained that the conference to open up many opportunities for all parties to express views based on research and methodology that could be accounted for.

There were more than 200 participants who would be involved in the activity.

“We hope that there will be a constructive dialog in this activity because the development of IKN is an inclusive development,” she explained.

The series of activities carried out in this conference are field visits to IKN, seminars, public lectures, and panel discussions.

The day before the start of the ICFC, speakers and participants who will attend in person were invited to visit the Miniature Tropical Rainforest in the IKN Nusantara and Bukit Bangkirai to see firsthand the condition of the forests in the archipelago. 

At the Miniature Tropical Rainforest, participants were also invited to simultaneously plant trees and release 30 birds that are endemic to Kalimantan.

“The purpose of inviting participants to protected areas in the archipelago is to provide a real picture and problems of the forests in IKN, so that later the discussions given will be based on direct observation,” Safitri concluded.

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