Transit Oriented Development: The Right Solution for a Modern Lifestyle

Transit Oriented Development
Sumber :
  • JRP

Jakarta, 29th May 2024 – In today's fast-paced world, high mobility has become an inseparable part of people's lives. This has led to the need for housing that is integrated with an easily accessible public transportation system. Transit Oriented Development (TOD) has emerged as the right solution to answer this need.

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TOD is a concept of developing a zone centered on a public transportation station. Housing, offices, and other public facilities are built around the station, making it easy for residents to get around without having to use private vehicles. This not only provides easy access but also helps to reduce congestion and air pollution.

One example of a TOD implementation is Bintaro Jaya, a leading independent residential area in South Jakarta that presents modern housing with a TOD concept.

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The two latest projects from PT Jaya Real Property Tbk, namely Tower Creativo and Tower C Apartemen Emerald Bintaro, offer easy access, complete facilities, and modern designs, in line with the needs of today's lifestyle.

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Tower Creativo comes as an integrated housing solution for young professionals, creative industry players, and families.

This mixed-use building is equipped with Coffice (Creative Office) and residential types, and is also connected to Bintaro Jaya Xchange and Jurangmangu Station through InTrans Bintaro Jaya. Supporting facilities available include Aviary Park ecosystem park, BXhoops, BXrink, BXsea, BXc Park, and Sunken Plaza.

Tower C Apartemen Emerald Bintaro, located on an area of 2.9 hectares with complete facilities in the Emerald Harmoni Building, offers comfortable and modern living for its residents. The available facilities include a swimming pool, gym, multifunction hall, children's playground, jogging track, and Taman Teduh.

Welcoming the 45th Anniversary of Bintaro Jaya, the two towers offer various attractive programs, such as discounts, vacations, free smartphones, and easy installments.

"Equipped with integrated transportation facilities, lifestyle, and office areas, we want to create a safe and comfortable environment and become a wadah for the formation of an active, creative and modern community," said JRP General Manager, M Panji Manggala, quoted by VIVA English from the official statement.

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