Tapless Payment on Toll Road to Begin by End of 2024

Transaksi Tol Nir Sentuh atau Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) diujicobakan di Tol Bali - Mandara.
Sumber :
  • Antara/HO-Kementerian PUPR

Jakarta – The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono, confirmed that the tapless payment system or Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) system will start gradually by the end of 2024.

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The Minister acknowledged that the trial results on the Bali Mandara toll road in December 2023 indicated several aspects needing evaluation, including technical and managerial issues.

However, he assured that solutions to these managerial aspects are already in place.

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"I felt optimistic that MLFF will be implemented gradually, either with a single lane or a hybrid system still using toll cards," said Minister Hadimuljono in a statement on Tuesday.

[dok. Menteri PUPR, Basuki Hadimuljono]

Photo :
  • VIVA.co.id/Mohammad Yudha Prasetya
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The minister further mentioned that the MLFF implementation would be phased, starting with the Single Lane Free Flow (SLFF) with barriers and tapping.

"In the subsequent stages, it will be SLFF without barriers and eventually full MLFF," the minister remarked.

In this regard, the technology used remains GNSS, thus requiring the Cantas application for toll payment transactions.

The SLFF implementation will begin with trials on the Bali Mandara Toll Road. Once successful, this pattern will be expanded to other toll roads.

When the MLFF technology is fully implemented on all toll roads, users will be required to register their personal data and vehicle numbers on the Cantas application before entering the toll road.

This is to support user discipline in making payments.

"Therefore, toll road users must pay attention to the registration of the Cantas application and ensure sufficient balance before entering the toll road," Minister Hadimuljono stated.

He assured that there would be no additional fees or changes in toll rates for users when switching to the MLFF system.

"There will be no burden on toll road users or toll road business entities (BUJT), and there will be no change in rates with the introduction of MLFF,"

As information, the MLFF implementation has been designated as one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN).

One of its main goals is to provide convenience for toll road users, rather than benefiting BUJTs or the government.

When the MLFF system is officially implemented, it will eliminate queues at toll gates and reduce air pollution caused by vehicles stopping at toll gates.

Additionally, the MLFF system is considered a form of innovation in the digitalization of toll payment.

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