Ministry: Knowledge Investment Crucial for Tourism Sustainable

Ilustrasi wisata Bali.
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Bali – Director General of Culture at the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Hilman Farid emphasized that investment in knowledge, research and preservation is important for the sustainability of the tourism sector.

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“To develop sustainable and quality tourism, there are conditions that must be met, the investment may be more physical,” Farid said at the 10th World Water Forum press conference in Bali on Tuesday.

For example, tourism in Bali until now still makes the benchmark of tourism success by bringing in large numbers of people, so physical investment is prioritized.

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Farid said this condition has the potential to decrease the local wisdom of local communities due to industrial development and increasing population pressure.

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  • ANTARA FOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto
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“Nowadays, fewer and fewer young people in Bali want to be farmers because the prospects are not good. If we don't save it, it will run out,” Farid remarked.

Therefore, he encourages the investment sector in tourist areas to be more directed towards science, research, and preservation of local wisdom for the local community.

“For example, investment in Bali to support the tourism sector is directed towards human resources knowledge and so on. This is a very important way to ensure the sustainability of tourism in the future,” Farid explained.

He further said that efforts to preserve tourism must be determined by the type of investment needed according to regional characteristics.

“I think investment into knowledge, research, science to support tourism sustainability is very crucial for us,” he concluded.

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