Anindya Bakrie Joined Prabowo and Musk in Bali, Discussing Further Collaboration

Anindya Bakrie dan Elon Musk
Sumber :
  • Instagram @anindyabakrie

Bali – Indonesian President-elect Prabowo Subianto met with the CEO of SpaceX and Tesla Inc., Elon Musk.

Tak Semua Sektor Bisa WFA, Anindya Bakrie Bakal Bahas dengan Para Pengusaha Anggota Kadin

The meeting was also captured in an Instagram post by the Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Anindya Novyan Bakrie, on Monday (May 20).

Anindya Bakrie said that the meeting between Prabowo Subianto and Elon Musk took place on the sidelines of the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) event in Bali.

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“It was an honor to accompany the Minister of Defense and President-elect Mr. @prabowo with @teslamotors and @spacex CEO Elon Musk and several friends and relatives,” Bakrie wrote on his official Instagram account, @Anindyabakrie on Monday.

CEO Tesla, Elon Musk pakai batik saat bertemu presiden terpilih Prabowo Subianto (dok: Instagram @anindyabakrie)

Photo :
  • Aulia
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Bakrie revealed that many things were discussed between Prabowo Subianto and Elon Musk during the meeting. One is related to the potential for cooperation in the government of the next elected Indonesian President.

“Many things were discussed by Mr. Subianto and Musk regarding the potential for investment cooperation between Musk's giant company and Indonesia,” Bakrie remarked.

Furthermore, Bakrie, who is also President Director, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bakrie & Brothers (BNBR), hopes that there will be good cooperation between Prabowo and Elon Musk in the future.

“Hopefully this meeting can continue with good cooperation in the future, which will have a good impact on the progress and welfare of Indonesia,” he concluded.

Ketua MPR RI, Ahmad Muzani

Respons Ketua MPR soal Prabowo Mau Bikin Penjara Koruptor di Pulau Terpencil

Ketua MPR RI, Ahmad Muzani angkat bicara soal rencana Presiden RI, Prabowo Subianto membentuk penjara khusus untuk para koruptor di suatu pulau terpencil.

14 Maret 2025