Indonesia and Vietnam Joint Research on Agrarian Technology

Program Kementan optimalisasi Lahan Rawa di Banjar
Sumber :

Jakarta – Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman, and the Vietnamese Minister of Rural Development, Le Minh Hoan agreed to collaborate on agricultural productivity in Indonesia through the utilization of technology in the cultivation of swamp land.

Reaksi Netizen Vietnam Usai PSSI Lapor ke AFF soal Aksi Brutal Pemain Myanmar: Di Mana Pun Main Pasti Menggugat

The minister remarked that the strengthening of agricultural cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam through an Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the agricultural sector will initiate the formation of a Joint Agricultural Working Group.

Menteri Pertanian RI, Andi Amran Sulaiman dan Menteri Pembangunan Desa Vietnam, Le Minh Hoan

Photo :
  • Aulia
Berbeda dengan Indonesia, Vietnam Justru Turunkan PPN pada 2025

"The strengthening of cooperation between Indonesia and Vietnam in developing rice farming in swamp lands, particularly high-yield rice varieties for swamp lands, as well as mechanization technology and precision agriculture to increase productivity and the planting index of rice in swamp lands," Minister Sulaiman remarked in a statement on Monday.

"This agreement aims to develop an environmentally friendly and sustainable agriculture system," the minister added.

Polairud Polri Amankan 8 Kapal Vietnam yang Curi Ikan di Laut Natuna Sepanjang 2024

Minister Sulaiman highlighted that Indonesia wants to promote the Priority Agricultural Program to anticipate the current global crisis and address the potential occurrence of extreme drought/flooding in various regions.

The Indonesian government has taken concrete actions in the short term to increase the planting index and national rice production by expanding planting areas through programs optimizing swamp lands for rice planting once a year.

In relation to Indonesia's priority program, the minister hopes for strong cooperation with the Vietnamese government to promote the development of modern agricultural machinery, strengthen agricultural irrigation management systems, digitalization and precision agricultural machinery, and facilitate market access.

Meanwhile, Minister Le Minh Hoan also requested supplies of fruit from Indonesia, especially Salak Bali, which is very popular in Vietnam and has a very high market prospect.

Currently, Salak Bali from Indonesia is sold in Vietnam for 250,000 Vietnamese Dong per kg or equivalent to IDR157,000 per kilogram.

As known, in 2023, the total value of agricultural commodity trade between Indonesia and Vietnam reached US$1.93 billion.

Indonesia has gained significant benefits from the export of plantation products (palm oil, rubber, cocoa, and patchouli); horticultural products (especially tropical fruits), and bird's nests.

Direktur Pengawasan dan Penindakan Keimigrasian, Yuldi Yusman, menjelaskan bahwa operasi tersebut bermula dari laporan masyarakat

Prostitusi PSK Muda Vietnam Tarif Rp5 Jutaan di Jakut Terbongkar, Begini Modus Esek-eseknya

Sebanyak 12 wanita muda asal Vietnam yang berprofesi sebagai PSK diamankan aparat Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi. Tarif mereka sekitar Rp5,6 juta per orang.

14 Desember 2024