37 Killed, 17 Missing Over Cold Lava Floods from Mount Marapi

Pencarian korban banjir lahar Marapi
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Andri Mardiansyah (Padang)

Sumatra – Cold lava floods hit several areas at the foot of Mount Marapi, especially those in Agam and Tanah Datar districts, West Sumatra.

Tim SAR Temukan Lagi 3 Korban Longsor Pekalongan, 2 Korban Belum Bisa Dievakuasi

The incident reportedly happened in the early hour of Sunday (May 12). This disaster caused severe damage for residents' houses, vehicles being swept away, and other casualties.

The deceased victims have been evacuated by the SAR to the Achmad Mochtar Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Bukittingi City, Bhayangkara Hospital Padang City, several hospitals in Padang Panjang and Padang Pariaman.

Mobil Jenderal Pensiunan BIN Masih Hilang di Perairan Marunda, Pencarian Dilakukan Pakai Alat Khusus

Dampak banjir lahar dingin Gunung Marapi, Jumat, 5 April 2024.

Photo :
  • VIVA.co.id/Andri Mardiansyah (Padang)

As further news, the death toll in this incident continues to increase to 37 killed. In addition, 17 were reported missing and are still being searched.

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"Based the latest data, 37 people killed," said Abdul Malik as Head of the Padang Class A Search and Rescue Office on Monday (May 13).

Malik remarked that of the 37 dead, 34 of them have been identified and some of their bodies have been taken by their families.

Three of them are still unidentified and still at Bhayangkara Padang Hospital.

Malik further said that the SAR operations on Sunday was temporarily suspended. This was due to heavy rain in the upstream area of Mount Marapi which could endanger the search team.

Erupsi Gunung Marapi

Gunung Marapi Kembali Erupsi, Lontarkan Abu Vulkanik dan Terdengar Suara Dentuman

Gunung Marapi di Sumatera Barat, kembali mengalami erupsi. Erupsi terjadi sebanyak dua kali yakni pada pukul 02:49 WIB dan pukul 07.10 WIB, Rabu

19 Februari 2025