Transportation Ministry Reveals New Fact of Bus Crash in Subang

Proses evakuasi kecelakaan bus SMK Lingga Kencana Depok di Ciater, Subang
Sumber :
  • (Foto AP/Ryan Suherlan)

Subang – Indonesian Transportation Ministry has revealed new fact about the bus crash in Ciater, Subang, West Java, that carrying a group of students from Depok's Vocational High School.

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Hendro Sugiatno as Director General of Land Transportation of Ministry said that the bus, named Trans Putera Fajar do not have a route or transportation permit and periodic test pass status.

As known, it becomes important for every bus company to conduct periodic tests on its fleet to use safety belts in public transportation to reduce accident fatality rates.

Untung Ratusan Juta Sebulan dari Sunat Takaran MinyaKita, Pria di Subang Dibekuk Aparat

Proses Evakuasi Kecelakaan Bus Siswa SMK di Subang

Photo :
  • (Foto AP/Ryan Suherlan)

"We've heard about the bus accident, which was suspected to be caused by the bus' brakes failing. We recorded that the bus don't have a route or tranportation permit and periodic test pass status," Sugiatno revealed in a statement on Monday (May 13).

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"We know, the periodis test pass status only valid until December 6, 2023. So, the bus didn't renew its periodis test every six months as stipulated in the regulation," he added.

As information, government already request that each company bus to conduct periodic test on its vehicle routinely in accordance with Transportation Minister Regulation Number PM 19 of 2021.

It says, "Periodic Tests (KIR) must be carried out by the owner. For vehicles that have been operating, of course, periodically, namely every six months, an extension of the periodic test must be carried out,"

Sugiatno remarked that the periodic test can be carried out by the Regional Government through the Provincial/Regency/City Transportation Office.

(Ilustrasi) Kecelakaan Maut di Tol Cipali.

Kecelakaan Truk di Tol Cipali, Dua Orang Tewas

Dua orang meninggal dalam kecelakaan yang melibatkan dua kendaraan truk di jalan Tol Cipali KM 87.600

22 Maret 2025