Farewell Party Turns to Funeral, 11 Dead Amidst Bus Crash in Subang

Rombongan bus SMK Lingga Kencana yang selamat tiba di Depok
Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Rinna Purnama (Depok)

West Java – A tour bus had a rollover accident in Ciater, Subang, West Java, on Saturday night (May 11). Several people were reportedly injured and several others died.

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The bus with the police number AD 7524 OG was carrying a group of students from Lingga Kencana Vocational High School (SMK) from Depok City, West Java.

It was traveling from Bandung to Subang, lost control and rolled over on the downhill road in the Ciater area. It is suspected that the bus had a broken brake.

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Deputy Mayor of Depok, Imam Budi Hartono, confirmed that the bus was carrying a group of students from one of the vocational schools in Depok City.

The group of SMK Lingga Kencana students were traveling to Lembang, Bandung, to attend a farewell and graduation ceremony. The group left for Lembang on Friday morning, and planned to return to Depok on Saturday night.

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Bus pariwisata alami kecelakaan maut di Ciater Subang

Photo :
  • Antara Foto

“We received information that SMK Kencana Depok was indeed holding a school farewell, and suddenly there was an accident in Subang,” said Hartono in a conversation.

So far, he admitted that he had not received official information regarding the number of victims in the incident. 

“I have not received official information, but he said 10 people died, the rest were injured and some were healthy because they had called their families,” he informed.

Then, Hartono said that the Depok City government immediately coordinated with the Subang Regency Government regarding the handling of its citizens who had an accident in Ciater, Subang. 

“We from the Depok City government are temporarily preparing ambulance and hearse facilities for our citizens. The information is that most of the victims are at the Subang Regional Hospital,” he said.

According to further news, the total of victims reached 11 people and 20 people are being treated for injuries and others are in serious condition.

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