OIKN to Test Railless Train and Flying Taxi This Year

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Kalimantan – The Nusantara Capital City Authority (OIKN) will conduct smart transportation trials in July 2024, namely autonomous vehicles,railless train and flying taxi.

ASN Pindah ke IKN Habis Lebaran Idul Fitri, Berikut Spesifikasi Rusunnya

Mohammed Ali Berawi, Deputy for Green and Digital Transformation of the IKN Authority, said IKN Nusantara is designed as a capital city that applies the smart city concept, based on green and sustainable principles. 

So, infrastructure development will be carried out with these principles to help improve the city's operational performance and the quality of life of residents. 

Penjelasan OIKN soal Heboh Aguan Investasi di IKN Demi Selamatkan Jokowi

“IKN Nusantara will implement intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to improve efficiency and safety in mobility,” Berawi said in a statement on Sunday.

IKN Nusantara.

Photo :
  • VIVA.co.id/Arianti Widya
Otorita IKN Usulkan Prabowo Groundbreaking Akhir Desember

“The IKN Authority aims to conduct trials in the intelligent transportation sector including autonomous vehicles, autonomous rail transit, and flying taxis by July 2024,” he added. 

Meanwhile, United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) Director Enoh T. Ebong said his agency supports the development of IKN Nusantara.

According to him, the development of IKN Nusantara is an extraordinary work and Indonesia is doing it with dedication and commitment. 

“This urban and technology panel activity is expected to support the successful development of IKN Nusantara, enable the exchange of experiences and best practices in smart city development, and open up opportunities for cooperation in planning and implementation,” Ebong concluded.

Deputi Bidang Pendanaan dan Investasi OIKN, Agung Wicaksono (kiri) dan Staf Khusus Kepala Otorita IKN Bidang Komunikasi Publik, Troy Pantouw (kanan)

Landasan Pacu Bandara IKN Rampung Awal 2025, Status Jadi Komersil

Bandara Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) sepanjang 3.000 meter rampung di awal tahun 2025. Bandara ini pun nantinya akan menjadi bandara komersil.

21 Desember 2024