Religion Ministry Issues 75 thousand Visas for Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims
- Widya
Jakarta – Ministry of Religious Affairs has issued 75,572 regular Hajj pilgrims visas.
"Alhamdulillah, there are 75,572 regular Hajj visas that have been issued. The visa issuance process continues until all Indonesian Hajj visas are issued," Director of Domestic Hajj Service at the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah of the Religion Ministry, Saiful Mujab revealed in Jakarta on Wednesday (April 24).
Ilustrasi paspor dan visa
- Pexels/Mariakrey
According to Mujab, the visa issuance process begins with the input of data and documents by the Hajj team at the District/City Religious Affairs Offices and Provincial Religious Affairs Offices.
Currently, there are 216,692 Indonesian Hajj pilgrims' data that have been submitted. Out of that number, 207,527 pilgrims' data have been verified for visa issuance.
"We have applied for visa issuance for 134,960 pilgrims,"
As more information, this year, Indonesia's Hajj quota is 221,000 pilgrims.
Additionally, Indonesia has been granted an additional quota of 20,000 pilgrims.
Thus, the total Hajj quota for Indonesia is 241,000 pilgrims, consisting of 213,320 regular Hajj pilgrims and 27,680 special Hajj pilgrims.