Ministry Pushes Cooperative to Help Farmers in South Sumatra

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Sumatra – Cooperative is one of the business entities formed based on the agreement and common goals of members. The existence of a cooperative is expected to help farmers in developing their business.

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In Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, agricultural activities, especially rice cultivation are very rapid, the problem is – there is no cooperative that houses farmers in running their business.

Therefore, the Center for Agricultural Education (Pusdiktan) of the Ministry of Agriculture together with a school assisted the formation of farmer cooperative in Muara Telang District starting in April 2024.

Organisasi Pangan Dunia FAO Dukung Target RI Swasembada Pangan

This effort is in line with the direction of the Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman to build a new ecosystem in the agricultural sector, for the young generation to try and develop. So, agriculture is attractive to young people.

Pendampingan pembentukan koperasi di Banyuasin

Photo :
  • Dok. Istimewa
Mentan Amran Pecat Direktur di Kementan usai Ketahuan Main Mata dengan Calo Proyek

"I want our young people to look at agriculture as a favored sector," Minister Sulaiman said.

Head of the Agricultural Extension and Human Resource Development Agency (BPPSDMP) of the Ministry of Agriculture Dedi Nursyamsi supported Minister Sulaiman's target and hoped that the establishment of the cooperative would realize the empowerment of young farmers to optimally utilize agricultural natural resources in rural areas.

The establishment of the cooperative was carried out at the Muara Telang Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) office on Friday (April 19).

The cooperative formation activity was attended by several figures including the Head of the Center for Agricultural Education, Inneke Kusumawaty, and others.

Head of Pusdiktan Idha Widi Arsanti said that the formation of the cooperative was motivated to help improve the economy of the community, especially farmers around Muara Telang District. 

The establishment of the cooperative also aims to establish good cooperation to improve the welfare of members.

The cooperative has been formed and named 'Koperasi Tuah Selebar Daun'. The main business field of agricultural cooperatives and additional businesses are office stationery, eating and drinking, and transportation services. 

Oplah Jadi Solusi Tingkatkan Hasil Produksi di Kalteng

Pemerintah Genjot Produksi Padi Lewat Program OPLAH di Kalimantan Tengah

Dalam upaya meningkatkan produksi padi nasional dan mencapai swasembada pangan, pemerintah Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah meluncurkan program Optimalisasi Lahan Rawa (OPLAH).

25 September 2024