14 Killed Over Landslide in Tana Toraja, Indonesia

Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Zendy Pradana

Sulawesi– Head of the Data, Information, and Communication Center for Disaster Management of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), Abdul Muhari, stated that at least 14 people killed over landslide hit Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province.

Fenomena Tanah Bergerak Terjadi di Banjarnegara Akibatkan Jalan Ambles dan 16 Rumah Rusak Berat

He explained that the landslide occurred on Saturday (April 13) around 10:30 p.m. local time because the heavy rainfall in Tana Toraja.

"The location of the landslide incident is in two points, namely Lembang Randan Batu Village, South Makale District, and Manggau Subdistrict, Makale," said Muhari said in a statement on Sunday.

BNPB Sebar Garam dan Kapur di Langit Kalsel Atasi Cuaca Ekstrem

Ilustrasi genangan banjir.

Photo :
  • VIVAnews/ Putra Nasution.

According to the report from the National Disaster Management Agency's Operations Control Center (Pusdalops), three people have died, and one person was reported missing, while in Makale District, 11 people died and two others were injured, he further said.

Prabowo Pastikan Bantuan Bencana Banjir dan Longsor di Jateng Tepat Sasaran

"The preliminary rapid assessment report recorded material losses caused by this landslide including three houses in Makale District and one house in South Makale District buried by landslide material," Muhari explained.

Up to this point, the Tana Toraja Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) is still searching for other victims of the landslide. It is collaborating with search and rescue teams to search for missing residents.

In the emergency response efforts, the joint team faces obstacles, including the weather conditions which still frequently have moderate to heavy rainfall, difficult terrain due to being in highland areas, and a lack of illumination at night.

The presence of landslide points at several spots along the road to Makale District has made it difficult for vehicles to pass through, requiring emergency response teams to travel on foot to reach the location.

"The urgent needs of the joint team up to now are heavy equipment to open road access and ambulance units to evacuate victims," Muhari concluded.

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