Eid Homecoming: Transaction of EV Charging Station Up to Fivefold
Jakarta – PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo ensured that the electric vehicle (EV) battery charging station is adequate for the 2024 Eid homecoming.
The readiness of 1,299 public EV charging stations (SPKLU) across Indonesia for the 2024 Eid homecoming has also been confirmed to be good, he said on Monday.
Prasodjo stated that SPKLU is already available at all rest areas along the Trans Sumatra-Java toll routes. Earlier, he inspected the charging station at the 656B Saradan rest area, Madiun Regency, East Java.
Dirut PLN Pastikan 1.299 Unit Se-Indonesia Siaga Layani Pengguna Mobil Listrik
- Istimewa
"In previous days, charging station was only available at certain rest areas. Now, every rest area has charging station ready to serve the needs of travelers. This is evidence that PLN always support the transition of travelers from fossil fuel-based vehicles to electric energy," Prasodjo stated.
He explained that for the 2024 holiday exodus, PLN added 175 charging station units scattered across various points along the Java and Sumatra, result in a total of 1,299 charging station units at 879 locations nationwide ready to serve electric car users across Indonesia.
As for electric car battery capacities, the smallest is 39 kilowatt-hour (kWh), which can travel 300 kilometers.
"PLN has prepared charging station along the exodus routes from Merak to Banyuwangi and Bakauheni to Palembang with an average distance between charging station units of about 23 km, making it very safe to travel for the holiday using electric vehicles," he informed.
He reported that the usage transactions at charging station by the public have significantly increased.
PLN recorded that the number of transactions at charging station up to five-fold during the 2024 eid homecominf period compared to the same period in 2023, from 906 transactions to more than 4,500 transactions.