Government Provides 239 Charging Stations on Eid Homecoming Route

PLN siagakan SPKLU untuk pemudik
Sumber :
  • PLN

Jakarta – The government ensures the readiness of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) or charging station at several points along the Eid homecoming main routes, such as in Java and Sumatra.

This is to anticipate the surge of Electric Battery-Based Four-Wheeled Vehicles (KLBB) on the roads during the exodus.

Rachmat Kaimuddin, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transportation Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, stated that PLN and its partners have added 175 SPKLU at rest areas along the Trans Java and Sumatra Toll Roads.

"Thus, there are now a total of 239 SPKLU in these areas. Additionally, PLN has prepared three mobile SPKLUs to serve users of electric vehicles on the main exodus routes," Kaimuddin said during a press conference on Thursday.

Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Infrastruktur dan Transportasi Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi, Rachmat Kaimuddin, dalam konferensi pers di kantornya, Kamis, 4 April 2024.

Photo :
  • Yudha Prasetya

He mentioned that the government, along with relevant stakeholders, has carefully calculated and ensured the readiness and sufficient capacity of SPKLU to fulfill the needs of electric vehicle travelers.

"Therefore, our message to electric four-wheeled vehicle users of any brand is to not hesitate to travel for the exodus using electric vehicles. We assure safety and comfort," he stated.

It is noted that Java Island is the focal point for adding SPKLU, as in the last 3 years, about 92 percent of the increase in electric vehicle sales has been centered on Java Island. 

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Electric vehicle sales surged from 1,278 units in 2021 to 12,248 in 2023.

To maximize service, the government will ensure that SPKLU operates 24 hours with standby personnel from PLN's exodus posts.

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Additionally, mitigation measures are prepared to avoid long queues, such as the regulation of a maximum charging duration of 30 minutes. Electric vehicle users can also visit PLN offices in cities along the exodus routes for recharge.

Through these exodus preparation measures, the total number of PLN and partner SPKLUs registered after unit additions is 1,299, spread across toll road rest areas and non-rest areas throughout Indonesia.

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The charging capacity for both routes is ensured to be more than sufficient, considering the one-way charging needs for the Trans Java Toll Road is around 28,800 kWh per day.

To find detailed locations of SPKLUs and related information such as charging tariffs, electric vehicle users can access them through the PLN Mobile application, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources website, and the Mudikpedia website.

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Terpopuler: Deretan Mobil Mewah Berdebu di Parkiran, Masalah Serius Puluhan SPKLU

Berita tentang deretan mobil mewah berdebu di parkiran dan masalah serius puluhan SPKLU, banyak dibaca hingga jadi terpopuler di VIVA Otomotif.

13 Februari 2025