Pakistan Becomes the Most Populous Muslim Country

Ilustrasi salat berjamaah di Pakistan.
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  • The News

Pakistan – Pakistan has officially become the country with the largest Muslim population in the world. This South Asian country has succeeded in overthrowing Indonesia, which has been holding this title.

As reported from World Population Review, the number of Muslim residents in Pakistan has now reached 240.8 million people or 98.19 percent of the country's total population. 

In second place, Indonesia has a population of 236 million Muslims or 84.35 percent of the country's total population.

Pakistan Route

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In third place is India, with 200 million followers of Islam. Meanwhile, in fourth and fifth positions are Bangladesh and Nigeria with Muslim populations of 150.8 million and 97 million respectively. 

The majority of Muslims live in North and Central Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. By 2024, Islam will have more than two billion followers and will become the second largest religion globally. 

It's estimated that the number of followers of Islam will exceed Christians by 2050. The following is a ranking of the top 10 countries with the largest Muslim populations in the world, as reported by the statistics page: 

1. Pakistan with a Muslim population of 240.8 million people,

2. Indonesia with a Muslim population of 236 million people,

3. India with a Muslim population of 200 million people,

4. Bangladesh with a Muslim population of 150.8 million people,

5. Nigeria with a Muslim population of 97 million people,

6. Egypt with a Muslim population of 90 million people,

7. Türkiye with a Muslim population of 84.4 million people, 

8. Iran with a Muslim population of 82.5 million people,

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9. China with a Muslim population of 50 million people,

10. Algeria with a Muslim population of 43.7 million people.

Richard Lee Sudah Tertarik dengan Islam Sejak Kecil
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