Ministry Asks KAI, KCIC to Add Capacity of Whoosh Feeder Train

Sumber :
  • Widya

Jakarta – Indonesian Transportation Ministry has asked Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) and Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) to add the capacity of the Whoosh Feeder Train during the 2024 Eid Homecoming period.

Bantu Distribusi BBM Jelang Lebaran, KAI Jamin Aman dan Tepat Waktu

The Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation, Risal Wasal stated that the problem faced by the Whoosh was related to the lack of an operational Feeder Train Fleet.

Moreover, this year is the first time Whoosh has participated in the Eid homecoming moment.

Whoosh Offers Up to 20% Off for Eid Homecoming, Book Your Tickets Now!

"We already sent a letter to Whoosh, KCIC, and KAI to increase the feeder capacity. If Whoosh's capacity carries 11 passengers, then whether we like it or not, the feeder train must have two trains, if one train only has around 300 then it must have two trains," Wasal said on Thursday in Jakarta.

Kereta Whoosh (Doc: KCIC)

Photo :
  • Longdong
Tiket Whoosh Diskon hingga 20 Persen saat Mudik Lebaran 2025, Catat Tanggalnya!

According to Wasal, with the addition of the Feeder Train fleet in operation, people no longer need to fight to get a seat on the Feeder train.

"Two series are needed, so that people don't have to rush to catch up because there is capacity to sit. Regardless of how many Whoosh trains depart, when they arrive, people can immediately board the Feeder Train in 10 minutes," he explained,

Wasal further confirmed that currently, his party has additional Feeder Trains to operate. However Risal also did not explain why the fleet had not been operated. 

"There's a feeder train, we'll make sure of that too." he concluded.

12 kereta tambahan yang didatangkan dari pulau Jawa tiba di Pelabuhan Teluk Bayur Padang

KAI Sumbar Datangkan 12 Unit Kereta Baru dari Pulau Jawa 

PT KAI Divre II Sumatera Barat mendatangkan 12 unit kereta tambahan dari Pulau Jawa sebagai upaya meningkatkan layanan kereta api di Sumatera Barat

19 Maret 2025