WhatsApp Allows Users to Pin Multiple Messages in a Chat

Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Arianti Widya

Jakarta – WhatsApp has launched the ability to pin three messages in a conversation. This was revealed through social media X.

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Both Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and WhatsApp head Will Cathcart announced this feature on their respective WhatsApp Channels. 

The chat app first rolled out the ability to pin a message in one-on-one and group conversations last December.

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Users can pin all types of messages including text, images and polls. Pinned messages could be really useful for quickly getting information such as a friend’s address or the venue of the outing that you have planned with your group.


Photo :
  • VIVA.co.id/Arianti Widya
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To pin a message, you have to long-press on it and select “Pin” from the venue. You can also select the duration for the message - 24 hours, 7 days (default choice) and 30 days - to stay pinned. 

This helps you get rid of pinned messages if the information becomes irrelevant on some days.

However, there is no option to keep a message like an address pinned forever. So you would need to re-pin that message in 30 days. The only alternative is to “Star” a message and access it through the contact information menu.


WhatsApp Ungkap 2 Pesan Rahasia

WhatsApp ungkap dua pesan rahasia untuk pengguna.

7 Januari 2025