KAI Provides 480 Free Homecoming Tickets for April 2

Ilustrasi pemudik pengguna kereta api saat pengecekan tiket di stasiun
Sumber :
  • Teguh Joko Sutrisno

Jakarta – Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) is offering homecoming trips by providing 480 tickets on the Tawangjaya Premium train, economy class, from Pasarsenen to Semarang Tawang for departures on April 2, 2024.

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Vice President (VP) of Public Relations at KAI, Joni Martinus stated that this free homecoming service is organized in support of the Mudik Asyik BUMN Program 2024, which is a routine agenda of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN).

"As a manifestation of BUMN's commitment to continue providing benefits to the people of Indonesia," Martinus said in s statementt on Tuesday.

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He explained that this program is open to all Indonesians with the requirement of having a valid ID card or being listed in a Family Card.

"Registration can be done on March 25-26, 2024, at Pasarsenen Station from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.," Martinus informed.

Naik 42,9 %, KAI Bandara Medan Angkut 240 Ribu Penumpang Selama Libur Nataru

Pemudik Kereta Api Pasar Senen

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Additionally, bookings can also be made online without prior registration through the Access by KAI application starting from 2 p.m. on March 26, 2024.

"Bookings on Access by KAI are made by selecting the Pasarsenen - Semarang Tawang Bank Jateng route, or partial routes between the two stations,"

KAI has provided terms and conditions for this free homecoming ticket which include limiting each booker to a maximum of 4 tickets.

One participant of homecoming is allowed to bring 1 infant (under 3 years old) without reducing the quota of participants but they will not be assigned a seat number. However, the check-in and boarding process will still adhere to the applicable rules.

"It's hoped that the public can take advantage of this free mudik to provide convenience and comfort for Eid homecoming travels by train. Thus, trains remain the preferred choice for cheerful and meaningful holiday travels," he concluded.

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