Indonesia Ranks 80th for the Happiest Country

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  • pixabay

Jakarta – Finland still the happiest country in the world, according to a global survey. The Scandinavian country, with a population of 5.5 million, has held this accolade for seven consecutive years.

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Meanwhile, Afghanistan ranks at the last of the World Happiness Report.

Both the United Kingdom and the United States are lagging in the global league table for 2024, among over 140 countries.

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The UK dropped one spot to 20th place, placing it below countries like Lithuania and the Czech Republic, while the US plummeted eight spots to 23rd place.

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  • dw
Antisipasi Narkoba Masuk Jakarta Buat Pesta Akhir Tahun, Begini Jurus Kombes Donald

In the 2024 World's Happiest (and unhappiest) Countries report, Indonesia ranks 80th with a score of 5.56, trailing behind Venezuela.

However, this position is up from the previous year's 84th position, while Venezuela scored 5.60.

Now in its 12th year, this report, sponsored by the United Nations is based on the assessments of tens of thousands of people, as well as economic and social data.

It assigns happiness scores on a scale of zero to 10, based on average scores over a three-year period.

Finland scores 7.74 out of 10, while Afghanistan scores 1.72. For comparison, the UK is at 6.72.

As for the US, its score is slightly lower as the country has dropped out of the top 20 since the report began in 2012.

Analysts say this is largely driven by a decline in well-being among the age group under 30, and this year's report is the first to group results by age group.

America ranks 62nd in terms of happiness among the younger generation.

Among the older age group defined as people over 60, it ranks 10th.

The country ranks 42nd in the younger middle-aged group and 17th in the older middle-aged group.

Ilustrasi bom.

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13 Februari 2025