Government Prepares Three Ports for 2024 Eid al-Fitr Homecoming

Para pemudik yang mengendarai sepeda motor memadati Pelabuhan Ciwandan, Kota Cilegon, Banten, pada Selasa malam, 18 April 2023.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Yandi Deslatama

Banten – Indonesian government is preparing three ports in Banten to transport passengers from Java Island to Sumatra during the Eid Al-Fitr homecoming flow.

Meanwhile, motorcyclists can come to the Ciwandan port owned by Pelindo in the city of Cilegon. Then, the Merak Port will be used to transport four-wheeled vehicles, buses, and staple goods.

For large vehicles, especially those in categories 8 and 9, they will cross the Sunda Strait through the Bandar Bakau Jaya (BBJ) port in Bojonegara, Serang Regency, Banten.

Antrean kendaraan pemudik di pelabuhan Merak Banten

Photo :
  • Yandi Deslatama (Serang)

"In Bojonegara, it's privately owned, but specifically for categories 8 and 9. In Merak, it's for passenger transport, and in Ciwandan, it's for motorcycles," said the Director-General of Land Transportation at the Ministry of Transportation, Hendro Sugianto, at the Merak Port, Cilegon City, Banten on Thursday.

To cross the Sunda Strait from the Ciwandan and Merak Ports, tickets can still be purchased through Ferizy.

Soon, the application will automatically sort vehicles allowed through the Ciwandan Port owned by Pelindo or through Merak owned by ASDP Indonesia Ferry.

People plan to cross the Sunda Strait for the homecoming are asked to buy tickets one day before departure.

Ini Kata Polisi soal Dugaan Keterlibatan 'Oknum Lain' Dalam Kasus Penembakan di Tol Tamer

"They must have bought tickets one day before, because for the smooth flow of homecoming at the ports. When one day before, we know the number of homecomers, then anticipation can be easier at the port," Sugianto informed.

Specifically at the Bandar Bakau Jaya Port, Bojonegara, Serang Regency, Banten, five ships are prepared to transport vehicles in categories 8 and 9 every day.

Naik 10 Persen, ASDP Catat 44.800 Orang Menyeberang dari Jawa ke Sumatera pada Hari Natal 2024

"There are five ships prepared there to transport vehicles in categories VIII and IX, which every day transport 600 vehicles," he concluded.

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