Knowing Dangerous Effects of Sleeping After Sahur
- pixabay
Jakarta – Sahur takes on profound significance during the month of Ramadan, becoming a cornerstone of the fasting experience for Muslims worldwide.
This pre-dawn meal holds immense importance as it marks the beginning of the fasting day, providing believers with the sustenance needed to endure the long hours without food or drink.
Beyond its practical function, Sahur embodies spiritual significance, symbolizing dedication to faith and the adherence to religious obligations.
It offers a precious opportunity for self-discipline, reflection, and seeking divine blessings before engaging in the day's fast.
However, have you ever sleep after Sahur? For some people, especially those who work, opting to sleep immediately after having Sahur and performing the dawn prayer is a common choice to avoid feeling drowsy while working.
But sleeping after having sahur can affect stomach health. Read below to know more.
The medicine specialist, Dr. Irsan Hasan, explained that for those with stomach problems, it's ideal not to sleep immediately after Sahur to prevent stomach acid from rising into the esophagus.
"It depends on whether the person asking has a stomach problem or not. Ideally, we shouldn't sleep right away; we should wait until the food has settled to make sleeping more comfortable. But not everyone can follow such a healthy lifestyle," Dr. Hasan said on Monday.
Dr. Hasan conveted that one healthy lifestyle recommendation for GERD sufferers is to delay eating at least two hours before sleeping, so one shouldn't sleep immediately after eating.
"So, don't eat before sleeping. If you want to sleep at 10,  have your last dinner at 7, 8. If you sleep at 9, have your last dinner at half past 7. The problem is different, having Sahur then sleeping. People with GERD understand that after eating, they feel bitter and acidic, sometimes there's a burning sensation in the chest," He remarked.
Irsan stated that for those with stomach problems, after Sahur they should try to move around before sleeping. Or they can deal with it by sleeping in the right position, using two pillows when sleeping.
"Ideally, after Sahur, they shouldn't lie down immediately; sit down first, move around maybe for 2 hours like the new theory of sleeping. But the problem is some need to leave for work, if they wait, they'll be late. Number one for those with GERD use higher pillows," he said.
These two pillows are used with the aim of making the position of the stomach and esophagus vertical.
Then, stomach acid doesn't immediately rise into the esophagus when sleeping or it can also be managed by sleeping on the right side if it's uncomfortable using two pillows when sleeping.
"The higher pillow will make the position more vertical so the esophagus and stomach are straight, so stomach acid doesn't rise up. If it's uncomfortable using two pillows, you can sleep on the right side, so it goes down, if on the left, it will resist. So, the food quickly goes down when lying down," he explained.
According to Dr. Hasan is for those with stomach problems. During Ramadan, continue to consume stomach acid suppressants, at least half an hour before Sahur or break the fast.
"More importantly, medication. People with GERD are advised to take stomach acid suppressants before Sahur. They should take medication half an hour before eating, so when acid increases during eating, the medicine is absorbed," he concluded.