Soekarno-Hatta Airport Starts to Restrict Entry of Imported Goods
- VIVA/Sherly.
Tangerang – The Primary Service Office of Customs and Excise, Medium Customs Type (KPUBC TMP) C Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang, will implement new regulations regarding the restriction of passenger's belongings from abroad or imported goods.
There are five types of items that will be restricted by the government in accordance with Minister of Trade Regulation Number 36 of 2023 concerning Import Policies and Regulations.
"This regulation shifts commodities whose import control is post-border back to the border," Head of the Soekarno-Hatta Customs Office in Tangerang, Gatot Sugeng Wibowo stated.
Ilustrasi penindakan tim gabungan Bea Cukai.
- istimewa
According to the provisions, the Minister of Trade Regulation has been in effect since March 10, 2024.
Wibowo conveyed that the implementation of the Minister of Trade Regulation would affect import activities through passenger belongings.
Therefore, the number of passenger's belongings commodities will have a maximum limit when returning to Indonesia.
There are five types of passenger belongings that are restricted in their load, namely electronic devices, footwear, textiles, bags, and shoes.
"The commodities with restricted load consist of a maximum of two pairs of footwear per passenger, then two bags per passenger, and other textile items are limited to five pieces per passenger," Wibowo remarked.
Wibowo urged importers to pay attention to the new regulations and make good plans when importing goods.
"The public is advised to pay attention to the implementation of Minister of Trade Regulation Number 36 of 2023 because these commodities are commonly brought by passengers when returning to Indonesia as souvenirs or gifts for family and relatives," he concluded.