Airlangga Hartarto Talks Essence of Ramadan, Being a Devout Person

Ilustrasi Ramadhan/berdoa.
Sumber :
  • Freepik/jcomp

Jakarta – Chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, has congratulated all Muslims in Indonesia a happy Ramadan.

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According to him, Ramadan is a holy month full of grace and forgiveness from Allah SWT.

"Being among the righteous is the essence of fasting for the whole month of Ramadan," Hartarto said in a video message on Monday.

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Ketum Golkar Airlangga Hartarto dan Waketum Golkar Bamsoet

Photo :
  • Dok. Golkar

Hartarto further emphasized that there is no glory in charity without sincerity. There is no real forgiveness from Allah SWT without forgiveness from fellow humans.

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The Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs also apologized to all Indonesians or any mistakes that have occurred so far.

"Please apologize if there are intentional or unintentional mistakes. Let us welcome Ramadan with purity and cleanliness. Happy fasting," Hartarto expressed. 

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