Police Ban Sahur on the Road, Firecrackers during Ramadan

Aksi Vandalisme Peserta Sahur on The Road
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Anhar Rizki Affandi

Jakarta – Police prohibit activities that have the potential to disrupt public security, such as Sahur on the Road and playing firecrackers during Ramadan 2024. 

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"We prohibit various activities that can distrub fasting, such as mass street fighting (tawuran), sahur on the road, wild racing, playing firecrackers," said Head of Public Relations of Metro Jaya Chief of Commissioner Police Ade Ary Syam Indradi.

Indradi said that his party together with the Indonesian National Army and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government would realize a conducive convenience situation.

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Bermain Petasan

Photo :
  • barometersumut.com

"Our officers are in the field 24 hours and ready to serve the community. The public can also call 110 (free) if they need help from police officers," Indradi stated.

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Indradi further said that his office would also increase safety by providing appeals and education to the public regarding the ban.

"We ask for the support and cooperation of the community so that a conducive security situation is maintained," Indradi concluded.

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Pomdam Jaya saat razia mengajak pihak BNN. Anjing pelacak juga dikerahkan untuk mendeteksi narkoba.

1 Maret 2025

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