Minister AHY Reveals Many People Do Not Register Land Assets
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Jakarta – Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) revealed that many Indonesian people are not registering their land assets at the Regional BPN Office in their area.
Minister AHY mentioned that people are hesitant to certify their land due to concerns about being subjected to tax levies.
"I have found that many people do not want to register their assets, even with easy, cheap, and fast service. Why? They are worried about the consequences of land certificate ownership, namely the obligation to pay taxes annually," the Minister said during the National Working Meeting of the Ministry of ATR/BPN at the Shangri La Hotel, Central Jakarta on Thursday.
Therefore, Minister AHY will provide incentives or tax breaks to every land certificate holder.
The Minister will coordinate with several ministries and implement electronic certificates in the administrative process.
"I hope, to succeed in the President's first directive regarding the massive implementation of electronic certificates, there needs to be synergy and collaboration between the Ministry of ATR/BPN and several parties, regarding proposals for incentive schemes or tax breaks," the Minister explained.
On the other hand, minister AHY acknowledged the potential for misuse of land certificates.
He promised to strengthen digital security at his ministry
"The Ministry of ATR/BPN must strengthen its digital network security system and monitor the potential for misuse by its own internal elements," he stated.
Minister AHY urged for land certificates to be expedited by every regional office, noting that it has been widely implemented in many developed countries with world standards.
"By implementing electronic land certificates, land management in Indonesia will be of world standards; on par with developed countries such as in Europe, Australia, and America," Minister AHY concluded.