China's Unilateral Claim over Indonesia's EEZ in Natuna Requires Serious Response

Kapal Coast Guard China dipantau KRI Usman Harun di ZEE Laut Natuna (11/1/20)
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  • ANTARA FOTO/M Risyal Hidayat

Jakarta, March 5, 2024 - China's unilateral claim over parts of Indonesia's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) near the Natuna Islands became a hot topic in the Expert Lecture held by the Maritime Security Study Program of the Defense University (UNHAN).

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Chairman of the Indonesian Sinology Forum (FSI) Johanes Herlijanto, Ph.D., explained the history of the development of China's claims in the SCS. He reminded that the PRC's claims had developed into military conflicts in the past.

"Indonesia needs to increase its potential for law enforcement and sovereignty in the Indonesian EEZ," he said.

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Maritime and national security experts emphasized that China's claim has no basis in international law and is contrary to UNCLOS. Indonesia is urged to respond to this claim seriously and carefully so as not to sacrifice its sovereignty.

Rear Admiral (Ret.) Dr. Surya Wiranto, one of the speakers, emphasized the importance of utilizing resources in the Indonesian EEZ as part of defense diplomacy.

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"Legally, Indonesia has the exclusive right to carry out exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the area," he said.

Dr. (HC) Capt. Marcellus Jayawibawa, S.SiT., M.Mar added that China's claim has a negative impact on Indonesia's sovereign rights, especially in terms of freedom of navigation and exploitation of natural resources.

"Therefore, Indonesia must uphold its sovereign rights and protect national interests by adhering to international law and cooperating with ASEAN countries and other strategic partners," he said.

Dean of the Faculty of National Security UNHAN, Major General TNI DR. Ir. Pujo Widodo, S.E., S.H., S.T., M.A., M.SI, M.D.S., M.SI (HAN), in his speech appealed for ASEAN countries to unite and show a firm stance against potential external interference.

"Only by joining hands can we create a safe and prosperous region for all," he said.

This Expert Lecture was attended by academics, maritime experts, and observers of China. This discussion is expected to provide input for the Indonesian government in formulating a strategy to respond to China's unilateral claim in the Indonesian EEZ.

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