The Most Indonesians Choose Taiwan to Work

Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan.
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Taiwan – A survey by GoodStats indicates that the majority of Indonesians would choose Taiwan as their preferred destination for employment in 2024.

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In 2024, 45 percent of those surveyed would opt for Taiwan as their workplace. Japan ranks second with 41 percent, while Saudi Arabia ranks third with 32 percent. Other countries on this list include Germany, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and the United States.

Furthermore, the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI) reported that more than 70,000 Indonesian migrant workers were in Taiwan in 2023.

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Photo :
  • ANTARA/Ismar Patrizki

It feels interesting that the results of this survey differ from the preferred country survey conducted among Indonesians in 2023.

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Japan was considered the top choice for employment, with 50.9 percent, followed by Singapore with 45.5 percent and Australia with 41.1 percent, according to GoodStats.

Taiwan, which has become the favorite this year, was ranked eighth in 2023 with a percentage of 4.5. This high increase is clearly a reasonable outcome.

Many Indonesians enjoy working in Taiwan because they have good legal protection, competitive salaries, and a safe working environment.

The main factor driving people to work abroad still revolves around salary. This is consistent with the 2023 survey results.

Not only are the salary standards higher abroad than in Indonesia, but the value of the Rupiahs is also lower compared to the currencies of those countries.

Security conditions and extensive job opportunities are other reasons why people choose this country.

Additionally, there are considerations about good career prospects. Favorite countries like Japan, Taiwan, and Australia offer stable career paths for the future, making them highly favored by Indonesians.

Moreover, this survey was conducted online from February 10 to 22, 2024, and 1,012 of the respondents were from Java Island aged between 18 and 24 years old.

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