Japan Assumes UN Security Council Presidency, Highlights Gaza Conflict

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Japan – Starting Friday (March 1), Japan assumed as Chair of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). There are two topics that Japan carries as the main agenda.

Japanese Ambassador to the UN Yamazaki Kazuyuki explained that the two topics are restrictions on nuclear weapons ownership and peacebuilding in conflict prevention.

Kazuyuki said related to the Gaza conflict, the Security Council will hold a session on Thursday, March 7, 2024 with a session discussing the Middle East.

He said the theme of the session is an opportunity for the Security Council to discuss issues related to Gaza.

Tentara pasukan bela diri Jepang berpartisipasi dalam sebuah latihan untuk mengerahkan unit rudal Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3).

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Later, when asked about Israel's violation of International Court of Justice resolutions, Kazuyuki said that Japan would not remain silent.

He said it should refrain from giving specific legal judgments on the Gaza issue.

Kazuyuki alluded to the incidents that have occurred in Gaza so far as being very tragic.

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However, according to him, Israel also has the right to protect its people. However, Israel's way is to comply with international rules and international humanitarian law as a member state.

He also said that the activities of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) are very important and necessary.

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He hoped that trust in UNRWA would be rebuilt as soon as possible.

The Israeli military has so far continued to launch attacks on the Gaza Strip. The Israeli move has been carried out since the Palestinian resistance group, Hamas, invaded Israel on October 7, 2023.

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According to Israeli authorities, the Hamas invasion killed nearly 1,200 of its citizens. Meanwhile, Israeli military aggression has killed at least 30,228 Palestinians and injured 71,377 others.

Israel's move triggered destruction everywhere. One of the impacts is the shortage of basic needs.

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13 Maret 2025