Knowing 10 Countries with the Most Languages in the World

Suku Trobrianders di Papua Nugini
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Jakarta – Language is an important for human social interaction, and in various countries, there are more than one language spoken.

According to reports from the World Economic Forum, compiled by Ethnologue, World Atlas, and the World Bank, there are ten countries with the most languages. Then, Papua New Guinea tops the list with the most languages.

With 711 languages, Indonesia ranks second in the world in terms of the number of languages spoken.

Well, here's the detail list of countries with the most populous languages in the world:

1. Papua New Guinea (841 languages)

Papua Nugini, negara tetangga Indonesia.

Photo :
  • Google Earth.

This country has the most languages in the world, even more than the entire continent of Europe.

The rugged and remote geographical and topographical conditions of Papua New Guinea are among the primary factors for its linguistic diversity.

Sesi Pertama KTT G20 Brazil, Prabowo Singgung Program Makan Bergizi Gratis di Indonesia

2. Indonesia (720 languages)

Ilustrasi Suporter Timnas Indonesia.

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa
Momen Presiden Prabowo Hadiri KTT G20 di Brasilia

As the world's largest archipelago country with 1,340 ethnic groups, Indonesia boasts high linguistic diversity. There are 720 languages spoken across various regions in Indonesia.

3. Nigeria (537 languages)

Sri Mulyani Ungkap 3 Fokus RI di KTT G20 Brasil kepada Dubes Inggris

This African country is home to 537 languages spoken by various ethnic groups within its territory.

4. India (458 languages)

India possesses a rich cultural and linguistic diversity. There are 458 languages spoken across various regions in India.

5. United States (355 languages)

Ilustrasi ekonomi Amerika Serikat

Photo :
  • BusinessInsider

Despite English being the official language of the United States, many other languages are spoken by immigrants and Native Americans.

6. Australia (312 languages)

This country has a long history with Indigenous populations who speak a variety of languages. Currently, there are 312 languages spoken in Australia.

7. China (307 languages)

Despite having the world's largest population, China has relatively lower linguistic diversity compared to other countries on this list.

8. Mexico (292 languages)

Mexico boasts high linguistic diversity due to its long history and influence from various cultures.

9. Brazil (274 languages)

This South American country is home to many languages spoken by various ethnic and tribal groups.

10. Democratic Republic of the Congo (242 languages)

This African country has high linguistic diversity due to geographical and historical factors. Efforts are needed to preserve linguistic diversity worldwide, as each language holds significant cultural and historical value.

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