Jokowi Gives Urgent Warning for Indonesia's Next Government

Presiden Jokowi menyampaikan arahan di Rapim TNI-Polri 2024 di Mabes TNI
Sumber :
  • Dok Kemhan

Palembang – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) warns the next government after his leadership to be careful in managing the country.

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"I hope that the new government will be careful in managing the country, managing the state budget (APBN) and so on," said Jokowi when opening the XX Muktamar of the Muhammadiyah Student Association in Palembang, on Friday.

He explained that Indonesia is a large and vast country with a population of almost 280 million.  Therefore, future governments must be very careful when taking action.

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"Especially in managing the economy, politics and so on, you have to be careful not to mismanage the country," 

In addition, the Head of State said that Indonesia could become a developed country in the next three leadership periods.

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"According to international institutions, Indonesia is calculated to become a developed country in the next three leadership periods," the President remarked.

Presiden Jokowi memberikan arahan di Rapim TNI-Polri 2024 di Mabes TNI Cilangkap

Photo :
  • Kemhan

President Jokowi said that in recent years the global political and economic landscape has changed, due to technological disruption and also changes due to interactions through social media.

“Current geopolitical conditions are very difficult to calculate, even global economic uncertainty is difficult to calculate," the President said. 

"However, with the conditions of uncertainty and the pressures in this position, Indonesia actually has the opportunity and opportunity to jump to become a developed country," the President concluded. 

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