PUPR Ministry Unveils Strategy for Provision, Financing of Houses

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Sumber :
  • Damai Putra Group

Jakarta – The Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will continue to fulfill the mandate of the law in order to meet the housing needs of the Indonesian people, said the Director General of Infrastructure Financing for Public Works and Housing at the Ministry of PUPR, Herry Trisaputra Zuna.

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These efforts are carried out through the implementation of programs to facilitate and assist in housing provision such as home ownership credit through the Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) and People's Housing Savings (Tapera).

"Such as through home ownership credit (KPR), Home Building Credit (KBR), and Home Renovation Credit (KRR) for low-income communities and Tapera participants," Zuna said on Tuesday.

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Direktur Jenderal Pembiayaan Infrastruktur Kementerian PUPR, Herry Trisaputra Zuna.

Photo :
  • Dok. PUPR

However, Zuna admitted that this is not enough if not accompanied by innovation and policy synchronization.

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"Both between the central government and local governments, as well as collaboration among stakeholders both on the supply side and the demand side,"

Zuna further explained, some efforts that are being and will be carried out on the supply side, include the institutionalization of green housing to address limited funding for affordable and environmentally conscious housing provision.

There are also efforts in the institutionalization of government and business entity cooperation for apartment buildings, especially those close to activity centers or transit-oriented development.

In addition, there are efforts in utilizing State-Owned Land (BMN), Regional-Owned Land (BMD), as well as cooperation with land banks for the provision of land for low-income communities (MBR).

"Then the provision of vertical housing on BMN land, with ownership certificates in the form of building ownership certificates (SKBG),"

On the demand side, efforts include reforming subsidies to be more targeted and efficient, and expanding the intensity of green housing financing for MBR through the Indonesia Green and Affordable Housing program.

Furthermore, there are efforts in developing financing schemes and housing financing facilities through the Housing Endowment Fund, lease-purchase schemes, Gradual House Ownership Credit, and long-term House Ownership Credit  up to 35 years.

"Then the expansion of affordable housing provision through the rental housing ecosystem by utilizing market players, and of course the expansion of FLPP KPR and Tapera KPR managed by the Tapera Management Agency," Zuna concluded.

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