KPU Plans to Set a Re-vote in Kuala Lumpur Next Week

Ilustrasi pemilihan umum
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Agus Setiawan

Jakarta – The Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) has set a date for the implementation of the Re-voting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. However, this schedule is still an initial plan and hasn't been decided in an official document.

KPU Usul Pemungutan Suara Ulang Pilkada Digelar Sabtu

"The plan is for the mobile ballot box Re-voting in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday (March 9). Then, the polling station method is on Sunday (March 10)," said KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari in a press conference, on Tuesday.

Asy'ari emphasized that this date difference aims to allow the votes collected through the mobile ballot box method to have one day to be counted together with the votes from the polling stations.

Pembelaan KPU soal Calon Kepala Daerah Didiskualifikasi MK karena Masalah Ijazah

Ketua KPU RI Hasyim Asy’ari

Photo :
  • Tangkapan layar KPU

"So, it's hoped that on March 12, there will be a recapitulation of the Kuala Lumpur vote count so later, it can complete the vote recapitulation for elections abroad," Asy'ari remarked.

KPU Sebut Butuh Rp 486 Miliar untuk PSU di 24 Daerah

He added that his party hopes that the implementation of the Re-voting in Kuala Lumpur won't interfere with the tiered manual recapitulation schedule and stages.

In accordance with the Election Law, he said, the KPU must have determined the results of the vote count recapitulation a maximum of 35 days after voting.

Rapat Komisi II DPR RI bersama KPU dan Bawaslu RI

KPU Jelaskan 26 Daerah Sengketa Pilkada yang Gugatannya Dikabulkan MK, 14 Wilayah PSU Seluruh TPS

Dari 26 daerah terdiri dari 24 pemungutan suara ulang (PSU), 1 rekapitulasi suara ulang, dan 1 perbaikan keputusan KPU.

27 Februari 2025

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