This Medical Company Aims to Speed Up Hospital Digitalization in Indonesia
- Arianti Widya
Jakarta – Healthcare facilities in Indonesia need to respond to the rapidly advancing digital transformation by shifting from conventional to digital systems.
Digitalization is significant for optimizing operations and maximizing the quality of patient care. Both the public and healthcare professionals now expect integrated healthcare services.
The government is also pushing for digitalization in the healthcare sector to improve service quality. Through Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022 regarding Electronic Medical Records, the government mandates the implementation of Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems for healthcare service providers.
This policy is reinforced by the acceleration of healthcare facility integration into the SatuSehat platform.
Illustration of health facility
- Arianti Widya
However, many healthcare facilities have yet to implement EMRs and integrate into the SatuSehat platform.
Currently, healthcare facilities face challenges in adopting digitalization, such as a lack of human resources understanding the system, inadequate digital infrastructure, and cost considerations for transitioning to digital systems.
Furthermore, there is an urgency for healthcare facilities to promptly implement EMRs.
Recently, the government issued a recommendation to revoke accreditation status as a sanction for healthcare facilities that fail to implement EMRs and integrate information systems into SatuSehat by July 31, 2024.
Understanding the challenges faced by healthcare facilities, Sentosa Medika Sejahtera, as a trusted healthcare technology company, provides solutions for healthcare facilities to embrace digital system adoption.
One of the flagship products offered by Sentosa Medika Sejahtera is UPMEDIK, a cloud-based Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) and Clinic System.
"We are committed to participating and being a vital part of Indonesia's healthcare digital transformation, as evidenced by the presence of UPMEDIK, which facilitates healthcare facilities in implementing EMR systems and comprehensive operational digitalization," said Windy Aprilyanti, Operational Manager of Sentosa Medika Sejahtera.
UPMEDIK has been integrated to facilitate healthcare professionals in its operation. It is 100% bridged to SatuSehat, the Social Security Administrator.
As information, UPMEDIK implements Single Entry Data to minimize human errors and data duplication, accessible to all healthcare professionals with access rights.
Furthermore, UPMEDIK is registered with the Ministry of Information (Kominfo) as an Electronic System Provider (PSE).
Sentosa Medika Sejahtera, consistent in utilizing and adopting the latest technology, designs UPMEDIK with a focus on user-friendliness, operational practicality, and affordability for healthcare facilities.
UPMEDIK will implement HMIS and its supporting services to comprehensively process healthcare facility data, from servers, databases, upgrades, updates, maintenance, to requesting new modules and features.
Healthcare facilities interested in utilizing UPMEDIK do not need to wait long to launch the system, as the grand launch can be done in just 2–4 weeks.
Furthermore, UPMEDIK offers affordable prices to promote digitalization access equality for healthcare facilities of various scales in Indonesia, including small hospitals and clinics.
"UPMEDIK guarantees to implement cutting-edge cybersecurity for system protection, as well as hospital and patient data. Therefore, we don't have to worry about sensitive information leakage within the system, even during system upgrades and updates," said dr. Steffanus Sumarsono, Director of Yadika Pondok Bambu Hospital.
"We highly appreciate the UPMEDIK team, always ready 24/7 with professional and prompt service," Sumarsono concluded.Â