VKTR Builds Joint Venture to Accelerate Electrification in Indonesia

Kerja sama VKTR dan Indomobil.
Sumber :
  • Dokumentasi VKTR.

Jakarta – VKTR Mobility Technology (VKTR) and its subsidiary Indomobil, namely IMG Sejahtera Langgeng, have signed a joint venture agreement to enhance innovation and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) in Indonesia.

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Gilarsi W Setijono, CEO of VKTR, stated that this strategic partnership signifies the collaboration between two experienced automotive companies to expand the reach and increase the penetration of EV technology in the Indonesian automotive market.

"With this signing, VKTR and Indomobil reaffirm their commitment to delivering environmentally friendly transportation solutions and accelerating the transition towards sustainable mobility," Setijono said in a statement on Tuesday.

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Kerja sama VKTR dan Indomobil.

Photo :
  • Dokumentasi VKTR.

He explained that through the establishment of this joint venture, both companies will focus on the development and enhancement of electric vehicles for various purposes, including passenger and commercial vehicles.

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However, Indomobil will only highlight partnership aspects related to EVs. This step is taken to ensure flexibility and broader expansion in future collaborations, which may include the passenger and commercial vehicle sectors.

Furthermore, this collaboration also represents the commitment of both companies to support the government in achieving the Net Zero Emissions 2060 target.

"We're proud and delighted to collaborate with Indomobil in driving the acceleration of EV adoption in Indonesia, which continues to grow," he remarked.

In the same occassion, Andrew Nasuri, Director of Business Development at Indomobil Group, stated that with Indomobil's portfolio, network, and experience in the automotive industry in Indonesia for nearly 50 years.

They are happy to collaborate with VKTR as a pioneer in the commercial electric vehicle industry in Indonesia.

"We hope this collaboration will support the increased adoption of electric vehicles in Indonesia," Nasuri remarked.

In this signing, VKTR Mobility Technology will present a wide portfolio of technology and knowledge in the field of electric vehicle.

"While Indomobil will bring rich experience in the automotive industry and a well-established distribution network," he concluded.

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