Diabetes Cases Rise in Cileungsi

Ilustrasi diabetes.
Sumber :
  • Pexels/Mikhail Nilov

Cileungsi, February 15, 2024 – Diabetes cases in the Cileungsi area, West Java, have experienced a significant increase. This can be seen from the patient data at the MH Thamrin Cileungsi Hospital, where many patients come with complaints of diabetes.

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Seeing this condition, the MH Thamrin Cileungsi Hospital formed a Center of Excellence for Diabetes Care. This service center aims to provide comprehensive and integrated diabetes care for patients in the Cileungsi area and surrounding areas.

Dr. fc. Puspita Hapsari Spd., a Diabetes Specialist at the MH Thamrin Cileungsi Hospital, explained that health services for diabetes patients do not only focus on medical treatment, but also education and counseling related to nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

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"It is important for diabetes patients to get the right education and counseling, so that they can understand their disease and how to control it well," she said, quoted by VIVA English.

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According to Dr. Puspita, there are four main pillars in diabetes management, namely:

1. Education
Patients need to have enough knowledge about diabetes and how to control it.

2. Physical activity
Patients are advised to do physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week.

3. Diet
Patients need to apply a healthy and balanced diet according to the advice of a doctor or nutritionist.

4. Drug therapy
In some patients, drug therapy is needed to help control blood sugar.

Many diabetes patients are worried about taking medication in the long term. Regarding this, Dr. Puspita emphasized that the consumption of diabetes drugs is safe and needs to be done according to its indications.

“Diabetes patients need regular blood sugar checks to prevent complications. Diabetes complications can attack various organs of the body, such as the eyes, heart, kidneys, and blood vessels,” she said.

One of the most common complications of diabetes is neuropathy, which is nerve damage that can cause numbness or tingling in the hands and feet.

Dr. Oki Lestari SpS., a Neurologist at the MH Thamrin Cileungsi Hospital, explained that diabetes patients need to be careful about neuropathy.

“Diabetes patients must maintain a healthy lifestyle and wear comfortable shoes to prevent neuropathy,” she said.

For information, the Center of Excellence for Diabetes Care at the MH Thamrin Cileungsi Hospital provides integrated services for diabetes patients, including consultations with diabetes, neurology, cardiology, ophthalmology, and surgery specialists; education and counseling related to nutrition, healthy lifestyle, and diabetes complications; self-blood sugar checks; and the formation of groups for diabetes patients.

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