Government Provide Free Seeds to Grobogan Flood Affected Farmers

Banjir bandang menerjang wilayah Kecamatan Gubug, Kabupaten Grobogan Jawa Tengah
Sumber :
  • tvOne/Teguh Joko Sutrisno

Central Java – The Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman stated that the government will provide free seed assistance to farmers affected by flooding in Grobogan Regency, Central Java. 

Gubernur Jateng Instruksikan Tutup 3 Tanggul Jebol di Grobogan, Maksimal 2 Hari!

Minister Sulaiman said that in addition to providing free seed assistance to affected farmers. The government will also help farmers make insurance claims on the affected land.  

"For the damaged land and crops, Ministry of Agriculture will provide free seeds. For those who are insured, we will help them claim their insurance," the Minister said on Sunday, 

Sidak di Solo, Mentan Kembali Pergoki MinyaKita 1 Liter Cuma Berisi 900 Mililiter

Meanwhile, Director General of Food Plantation Ministry of Agriculture Suwandi said that based on the data as of February 9, 2024, the area of rice plant affected by flooding both in Central Java and nationally in MH 2023/2024 is lower than MH 2022/2023 and also lower than the average of MH 5.

Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) RI, Andi Amran Sulaiman.(istimewa/VIVA)

Photo :
  • Putra (Medan)
Mentan Amran Minta Perusahaan Kurangi Takaran MinyaKita Tak Hanya Kena Hukum Pidana

"This data clearly shows an indication that flooding in this season is much smaller compared to the same season before, so we're optimistic that our food production will remain safe from the impact of flooding," Suwandi explained.   

He added that the handling of floods in affected areas that caused massive damage to rice fields.  

"Collective and comprehensive cooperation is needed from stakeholders, POPTs, PPLs and farmers so that the impact of flooding can be overcome in an effective and efficient way," he  stated. 

As information, flooding in several areas in Central Java Province, among others, in Demak Regency occurred in 7 sub-districts with a flood-affected area of 1,657 hectare of rice and 126 hectare of corn. 

Flooding also occurred in Kudus Regency which affected 489 ha of rice, chili, melon and water spinach. 

Most of the floods in Demak and Kudus have receded, so many crops can be saved. 

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