Bank Indonesia Closed during Election Day on 14th February

Gedung Bank Indonesia.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Andry Daud

Jakarta – Bank Indonesia announced the closure of operational activities during the General Election which falls on February 14, 2024.

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Assistant Governor and Head of the BI Communication Department, Erwin Haryono, said the closure of operational activities refers to the Presidential Decree of the Indonesian Republic Number 10 of 2024 concerning General Election Voting Day in 2024 as a National Holiday.

"Bank Indonesia supports the implementation of the 2024 General Election by closing operational activities on Wednesday, February 14, 2024," Haryono said in a statement on Thursday.

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Kepala Departemen Komunikasi Bank Indonesia, Erwin Haryono.

Photo :
  • BI

He explained that the decision was taken to provide opportunities for related parties, leaders and employees of Bank Indonesia, and the entire community to exercise their voting rights.

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Nevertheless, Haryono said Bank Indonesia transaction services such as BI FAST and all other digital channels continue to run normally.

"On this national holiday, the public can still make payment transactions using BI FAST cashless services and all digital channels provided by payment service providers," he stated.

Bank Indonesia's operational activities will return to normal on Thursday, February 15, 2024, Haryono concluded.

Ilustrasi transfer antarbank.

Mengenal BI-FAST, Solusi Hemat Transfer Antarbank

Anda sering melakukan transfer antarbank dan merasa terbebani dengan biaya Rp6.500 per transaksi? Kini, ada solusi yang lebih hemat, yakni BI-FAST.

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