Gas Leakage Strucks Ice Factory in Tangerang

Lokasi pabrik es yang mengalami kebocoran gas di tangerang
Sumber :
  • (Tangerang)

Tangerang – An ice factory on Ks Tubun Street, Koang Jaya, Karawaci District, Tangerang City, experienced a gas leak on last Tuesday.

SP PGN Tegaskan Pekerja Siap Dukung Pemanfaatan Gas Bumi Nasional Demi Swasembada Energi

One resident, Purwanto, stated that he first noticed the pungent odor at 2 p.m. local time while he and his family were asleep.

"My rental house isn't far from the factory. While we were asleep, my wife woke me up, saying there was a strong smell. Turns out, upon checking, there was a gas leak at the ice factory," he stated. 

Tidak Hanya Gas, PGN Group Sukses Bangun Infrastruktur Energi Lainnya

Lokasi pabrik es yang mengalami kebocoran gas di tangerang

Photo :
  • (Tangerang)

The situation prompted local residents to immediately evacuate. Several residents also contacted relevant authorities for assistance.

CBF 2024, PGN Jamin Ketersediaan Pasokan Gas dan Sinergi Perencanaan Gas Bumi Sektor Industri

"We were panicking; we were trapped because outside, the gas smell was intense. Eventually, my family and I broke through the roof to get out. Some residents who were experiencing difficulty breathing were rushed to the hospital," he expressed.

The Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Commissioner Zain Dwi Nugroho, confirmed the incident. Currently, authorities from the Tangerang City BPBD and the police are on-site to handle the situation further.

"Yes, there was a gas leak at the ice factory. Relevant authorities are heading to the location, and local residents are being evacuated to open spaces," he remarked.

As of now, the exact cause of the gas leak at the factory is still unknown.

Direktur Strategi dan Pengembangan Bisnis PGN, Rosa Permata Sari

PGN Siap Ambil Peran Dalam Gotong Royong Bangun Jargas Nasional, Kurangi Subsidi Energi

Pengembangan jargas PGN juga sejalan asta cita pemerintah khususnya dalam upaya swasembada energi sehingga keberlanjutan proyek akan terus dilakukan.

29 Oktober 2024