Minister Sulaiman Handover Cash Aid to Farmers in North Sumatra

Menteri Pertanian (Mentan) RI, Andi Amran Sulaiman.(istimewa/VIVA)
Sumber :
  • Putra (Medan)

Medan – The Indonesian Minister of Agriculture, Andi Amran Sulaiman, met with 20,000 farmers and agricultural extension workers in North Sumatra. During this meeting, he also provided cash aid worth IDR 534 billion.

The assistance consists of aid in the form of rice and corn seeds, the development of horticultural MSMEs, agricultural irrigation, rural roads, as well as the rejuvenation of coconut and rubber plants.

Also for the expansion of Arabica coffee and other agricultural assistance.

Minister Sulaiman stated that agriculture is a strategic sector in North Sumatra. Therefore, various efforts are needed to maximize productivity.

Menteri Pertanian (Mentan), Andi Amran Sulaiman

Photo :
  • Kementan

"This potential is extraordinary, very strategic, that's why we will accelerate planting, provide assistance, free seeds, free seedlings, free agricultural machinery, and additional fertilizer volume," said Minister Sulaiman at Benteng Field, Medan City, on Monday.

Minister Sulaiman also mentioned that North Sumatra is a strategic province, located near Singapore and Malaysia.

"North Sumatra is strategic because it is close to Singapore and Malaysia. If necessary, we can replace the position of Thailand or Vietnam, and other countries, to supply food to Singapore and Malaysia," he stated.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of North Sumatra, Hassanudin, welcomed the assistance. Because it can increase agricultural productivity in North Sumatra.

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"We appreciate the assistance provided by the Ministry of Agriculture. The North Sumatra Provincial Government is committed to continually improving the productivity of food commodities,"

According to Hassanudin, the production of strategic food commodities in North Sumatra is currently available in good condition.

Mentan Tangguhkan Izin Impor 5 Perusahaan Imbas Aksi Peternak Buang Susu

Therefore, the assistance provided by the Ministry of Agriculture can increase the productivity of food that has been well maintained so far.

In addition, in 2024, the North Sumatra Provincial Government has allocated agricultural assistance to the community. Starting from rice seeds, corn seeds, red chili, shallots, to fruit seedlings.

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Not only seedlings, the North Sumatra Provincial Government has also allocated assistance for agricultural machinery ranging from hand tractors, cultivators, handsrapyers, and others.

"We hope that with our efforts, our food security will continue to be maintained, and the availability of food commodities will continue to be sufficient for the people of North Sumatra," Hassanudin concluded. 

Menteri Pertanian, Andi Amran Sulaiman di Kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Senin, 3 Maret 2025

Mentan Ancam Segel ke Pedagang yang Jual Bahan Pokok di Atas HET

Menteri Pertanian, Andi Amran Sulaiman, mengatakan akan menindak tegas para pengusaha yang menjual bahan pokok di atas harga ecertan tertinggi, HET.

3 Maret 2025