Ganjar Pranowo Reveals Strategies to Protect Migrant Workers Abroad

Ganjar Pranowo (Instagram/Ganjar_Pranowo)
Sumber :
  • Widya

Jakarta – Presidential Candidate Number 3, Ganjar Pranowo revealed strategies to protect Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) during the fifth debate with the theme of Social Welfare, Culture, Education, Information Technology, Health, Employment, Human Resources, and Inclusion.

Kejar Kapal Diduga Bawa Narkoba, Polres Sergai Malah Temukan Puluhan PMI Ilegal dari Malaysia

Ganjar emphasizes that all institutions, including embassies, BP2MI, the Ministry of Manpower, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and local governments, must collaborate to protect Indonesian migrant workers (PMI).

"Sharing our experience after communicating with migrant workers in Hong Kong, they asked, 'What protection is provided to us?' In my opinion, this is a panic button; we need the government to intervene," Ganjar said at JCC Senayan, Jakarta, on Sunday.

Prabowo: Jangan Mau Ikut Kegiatan Ilegal, Resikonya Negara Asing Bertindak!

Ganjar stated that before PMI depart overseas, their legality must be correct and properly completed.

Ganjar Pranowo, Debat Kelima Calon Presiden Pemilu 2024

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa
Pimpinan DPR Sebut Penembakan WNI di Malaysia Momentum Selesaikan Masalah Penyaluran PMI

"From the moment they leave, we should already know their skills, and we should be aware of what is in the employment contract. There should be institutions with control in place," he emphasized.

He also shared a bit of his experience during his tenure as the Governor of Central Java, where he assisted residents facing issues abroad.

"At that time, there were some workers facing problems in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Cambodia, suspected of human trafficking. As the Governor, I took decisive action by calling the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassadors to inquire about resolving those issues," he explained.

As information, Indonesia will hold the 2024 general elections on February 14, in which around 204.8 million people are expected to exercise their voting rights.

Ketibaan PMI di Terminal 3, Bandara Soetta, Tangerang usai alami kecelakaan kerja di Riyadh, Arab Saudi

Koma 3 Minggu Karena Jatuh saat Bersihkan Pesawat di Arab Saudi, PMI Asal Tangerang Dipulangkan

Pekerja Migran Indonesia atau PMI yang berasal dari Tangerang Banten, atas nama Abdul Rahman Dian Hur, dipulangkan oleh pemerintah Arab Saudi, setelah sadar dari komanya.

8 Februari 2025