5 Reasons Why Cats Like Boxes

Sumber :
  • VIVA.co.id/Arianti Widya

Jakarta – As a cat owner, you must have experienced the moment when your cat prefers to play with cardboard boxes rather than the expensive toys you just bought. 

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If you're curious why this behavior often happens to your pet cat, let's look at some of the reasons why cats love boxes, as reported from Hepper site. 

1. Cats like to play 

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Cats love to play games, especially hunting games, and one of their favorites is lying in wait for an unsuspecting victim to pass by and pouncing. Cats will find many clever hiding spots from which to play this game, but a cardboard box is ideal, and your cat will see its value immediately if it can get inside.

2. It provides insulation

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Many cats hate the cold weather despite their heavy coat and enjoy the cardboard boxes’ insulating effect. The inside of a cardboard box does an excellent job of retaining the cat’s natural body heat, allowing it to maintain a stable temperature while it sleeps that’s closer to what it feels is ideal.

Kucing di atas kardus

Photo :
  • Piqsels

3. Protection

Not only does a cardboard box provide a great place to hide while waiting for unsuspecting victims, but it’s also ideal for hiding from potential predators. Cats feel safe when they are inside the box and seem to think you can’t see them, even if their tail or other parts of the body hang out.

Since they make the cat feel safe, they are a great hiding spot from the garbage truck that sends many cats scurrying and looking for shelter and other similar perceived dangers, including fireworks.

4. It's comfortable

Not only does cardboard do an excellent job of retaining body heat, but it can also be quite comfortable due to its multilayer design. Cats will often seek out a cardboard surface to sleep on if one is available, and they seem to sleep a bit longer. 

The cardboard can also form to shape of the body, making it more comfortable as you use it more frequently.

5. Cats can scratch and chew it

Another reason cats seem to like cardboard even when they can’t hide inside it is that the soft yet durable surface is perfect for scratching. In fact, many commercial scratching posts already use cardboard, and it’s not difficult to design one. 

Cats can also sink their teeth into the lightweight cardboard without worrying about injuring them, and it can help keep them clean.

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