Jokowi Inaugurates Mount Merapi Evacuation Access Roads in Magelang

President Jokowi Inaugurates Mount Merapi Evacuation Access Roads in Magelang
Sumber :
  • Widya

Magelang – The Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Monday inaugurated four roads in Magelang District, Central Java, which plays a role for the residents' evacuation access around Mount Merapi.

Pemprov Sumut Utang DBH Rp 2,2 Triliun, Bobby Nasution Janji Bayar

"The Muntilan-Keningar, Sukomarmur section is an evacuation access for Mount Merapi. It has been completed today," the Head of State said at the inauguration ceremony. 

The repair of the four roads - Muntilan, Keningar, Sukomakmur, and Petung Pakis in Magelang District - is the implementation of the Presidential Instruction for Regional Roads in Central Java Province.

Deddy Sitorus Sebut Ada 'Utusan' Minta Hasto Mundur dari Sekjen-Jokowi Jangan Dipecat dari PDIP

The President detailed that the Regional Road Presidential Instruction budget for road repair and construction in 2023 was allocated at IDR14.6 trillion. Specifically for Central Java Province, the government has budgeted IDR1.36 trillion to repair and build 40 roads.

Gunung Merapi muntahkan awan panas guguran berjarak luncur 1500 meter.

Photo :
  • Dok. BPPTKG Yogyakarta.
Gaya Blusukan Dedi Mulyadi Masuk Gorong-gorong Mirip Jokowi 13 Tahun Silam, Tuai Pro Kontra Warganet

Meanwhile, for Magelang District, the four 18.2-kilometer road sections inaugurated by the president were valued at IDR31.9 billion.

According to President Jokowi, the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Agency built this road section not with asphalt, but with rigid concrete for durability, considering that several sand trucks ply on the road.

"We hope that building this road with rigid concrete will provide durability. This road is often passed by large sand trucks. We hope this will be more durable," the President informed. 

President Jokowi also expressed hope that other roads in Central Java would be better for travel. Therefore, he will also inspect other roads during his second day of working visit to Central Java on Tuesday (January 23).

In addition reviewing the road construction, the President was also scheduled to hand over several forms of aid, including food assistance, handing over land rights certificates to the people, and attending an assembly for Islamic boarding school students.

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