Mark Zuckerberg Announces New Feature for WhatsApp Users

WhatsApp logo (Source/businesstoday)
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  • Widya

Jakarta – The CEO of Meta platforms, Mark Zuckerbeg has introduced  the new features on WhatsApp Channels.

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According to Zuckerberg, WhatsApp Channel now has a voice message feature, supports multiple admins, and a poll feature. Not only that, users can now share posts on the Channel to WhatsApp Status.

"We announced several new features for WhatsApp Channels including voice notes, multiple admins to share to WhatsApp status and polls," Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement on Saturday.

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He also shared a poll regarding the best game. This post also provides an overview of how the poll looks on the WhatsApp Channels. The appearance is still the same as the poll feature on WhatsApp chat.

Users who follow the channel can add their choices. Then, there’s also calculation that shows which option the user chose. Meanwhile, the voice note feature allows channel owners to send voice messages.

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For example, a singer might want to share her voice or give a sneak peek of her latest album. WhatsApp has also increased the number of admins who can manage WhatsApp Channels.

Now, a WhatsApp Channel can be managed by up to 16 admins. Posts on WhatsApp Channels can also now be shared on WhatsApp Status by every user who follows the channel.

That way, other users who may not follow the same channel, can see it. All of these new WhatsApp Channel features were released globally since Thursday.

Ilustrasi cek status WhatsApp seseorang.

Cara Mudah dan Cepat Mengatasi WhatsApp yang Tiba-Tiba Keluar Sendiri di Ponsel Anda

Kadang-kadang pengguna menghadapi masalah yang cukup mengganggu, yaitu aplikasi WhatsApp yang sering keluar dengan sendirinya atau crash secara tiba-tiba.

7 Maret 2025