Minister Ensures Social Assistance to Continue during Election

Minister Airlangga Hartarto handed over rice food assistance to community in Batununggal District, Bandung, West Java. (Instagram/Airlanggahartarto_official
Sumber :
  • Widya

Bandung – Indonesian Minister of Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, stated that the Indonesian government will continue to distribute social assistance programs (bansos) to the public, even during the ongoing 2024 election season.

Realisasi Bansos Capai Rp 25,9 Triliun hingga Februari, 19,2 Persen dari Pagu APBN 2025

The Minister explained that the bansos program aims to improve the welfare of the Indonesian people. The distribution of bansos is also carried out to maintain purchasing power and control inflation.

"During elections, we cannot stop everything because this is the needs of the people, not the needs of the elections. So, the government will continue because it is an effort to maintain purchasing power and reduce inflation," said the Minister at the Batununggal Sub-District Office, Bandung, West Java, on Friday. 

Bulog Serap Gabah Petani Diinilai Positif, Bisa Kurangi Impor Beras

Minister Hartarto further elaborated that the bansos program is a means of fostering economic growth in Indonesia.

"Economic growth cannot be halted due to elections," Minister Hartarto remarked. 

Pastikan NIK Anda Terdaftar! Begini Cara Cek Penerima Bansos Maret 2025

He assured that there would be no political motives behind the distribution of bansos. This program is, in fact, a government initiative.

"Obviously, this is a government program and is directly given to the people," he emphasized.

Airlangga Hartarto mentioned that he does not want social assistance to be distributed inaccurately to its intended recipients.

"The distribution of Bulog rice assistance is in accordance with the President's directive. This 10-kilogram rice assistance is received by 22 million Beneficiary Families (KPM)," he concluded.

Panglima TNI Jenderal TNI Agus Subiyanto

Panglima Sebut Dirut Bulog Mayjen Novi Helmy akan Mengundurkan Diri dari Kedinasan TNI

Dirut Perum Bulog saat ini dijabat Mayor Jenderal TNI Novi Helmy Prasetya. Mayjen Novi masih aktif sebagai prajurit TNI.

14 Maret 2025