Indonesia Builds IKN Nusantara Authority Office Worth IDR509 Billion

Jokowi groundbreaking proyek di IKN.
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  • Biro pers Istana.

Kalimantan – The Indonesian government build the office of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN) with a budget of IDR509 billion. 

Bakal Bikin Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Tarif PPN 12 Persen Dinilai Berdampak Positif ke Invetasi

Construction of the building started yesterday, with the process of laying the first stone (Groundbreaking). Then, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) directly led the groundbreaking. 

"The IKN Nusantara office construction was built of an area of approximately 28,000 square meters, with a construction value of IDR509 billion and this building will be a workplace for IKN Nusantara Authority employees," the Head of State said during the groundbreaking on Wednesday. 

Destinasi Kuliner Baru di Candi Borobudur, Prana Borobudur Restaurant Padukan Cita Rasa Asia dan Nusantara

Pembangunan IKN Nusantara dari Titik Nol

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  • vstory

The President remarked that this building will accomodate 600 OIKN employees in the first phase, "this building will be equipped with a data center, command center and regional infrastructure," 

PPN 12 Persen Berlaku Januari 2025, Deputi Otorita IKN Sebut Jadi Peluang Buat IKN

The construction of the OIKN office building will also be accompanied by one-stop integrated services. President Jokowi wants public services at IKN to be fast and easy with these facilities.

"I hope that the OIKN office building can be completed soon and all IKN Authority activities will be more organized, centralized and optimal," the President expressed. 

"Employees can work more comfortably and productively to support the development of IKN to create the Indonesian city we aspire to,"

As information, the Head of State also inaugurated the groundbreaking of IKN State Mosque, Nusantara Logistic Hub and Service. 

The place established by Pos Indonesia and Bina Karya Persero will become a logistics delivery center in the new nation's capital.

Pembangunan Masjid Negara di Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN)

Pemerintah Gelontorkan Rp 43,4 Triliun untuk Pembangunan IKN Sepanjang 2024

Kementerian Keuangan (Kemenkeu) menggelontorkan Rp 43,4 triliun untuk pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) pada 2024.

6 Januari 2025