What is the 30-30-30 Rule for Weight Loss? Here's to Know

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Jakarta – It seems like there is a new “trick” to weight loss going viral every five seconds, and it’s getting almost impossible to keep up with, namely 30-30-30 diet method. 

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The 30/30/30 method involves eating 30 grams of protein within the first 30 minutes of waking up, and following it up with 30 minutes of exercise

This method does not involve rules, restrictions, or calorie counting. The basic idea is to kickstart the body's metabolism, which helps support weight loss. 

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Although protein and exercise are crucial components of a healthy lifestyle, results may vary for each individual. 

This diet pattern is also beneficial for mental health as it includes mindfulness in daily practices.

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"Although each component, such as a high-protein breakfast and low-intensity exercise, has been studied for potential benefits, the specific combination outlined in the 30-30-30 rule may lack scientific validation," said fitness instructor Bhavna Harchandrai, as quoted by Health Shots on Friday.
She suggested considering a holistic approach to health and weight management, incorporating various factors like overall dietary patterns, exercise intensity, and an active lifestyle.

Here are the rules of the 30-30-30 diet: 

1. 30 grams of protein at breakfast 

Including 30 grams of protein in breakfast may have potential benefits. Protein can contribute to increased satiety, helping control appetite throughout the day. 

It aids in blood sugar control and insulin resistance, playing a crucial role in muscle maintenance and repair. 

However, individual preferences and nutritional needs vary, and it's essential to consider a well-rounded breakfast that includes a mix of macronutrients for sustained energy.

2. 30 minutes of exercise

Engaging in low-intensity steady-state (LISS) cardiovascular exercise can be beneficial for weight loss. LISS activities, such as brisk walking, cycling, and swimming, help increase overall calorie expenditure without putting excessive strain on the body. 

LISS is suitable for individuals with any fitness level, making it a sustainable daily exercise for everyone. It's important to complement exercise with an overall active lifestyle for optimal results, and any form of exercise will contribute to lowering blood sugar.

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3. 30 percent of mindfulness

Adjust eating habits by incorporating full awareness. Think and appreciate each bite, and pay attention to the body's signals of hunger and fullness. Improved digestion and a positive relationship with food are two benefits of this practice. 

Also, integrate mindfulness into the exercise routine. During workouts, focus on breathing and sensations in the body with each movement. This can enhance mental health and improve the effectiveness of daily exercise.

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