Indonesian Biodiversity Needs Green Diplomacy Policy, Anindya Bakrie Says

Anindya Bakrie saat menjadi pembicara dalam forum 'Quitting Coal Turkey: Accelerating the Transition to Clean Energy' Milken Asia Summit 2023 yang digelar Milken Institute di Singapura.
Sumber :
  • Instagram @anindyabakrie

Jakarta – President Commissioner of VKTR, Anindya Novyan Bakrie stated that the potential of Indonesian terrestrial and marine biodiversity need the Green Diplomacy policies.

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Anindya Bakrie conveyed that during the COP 28 Forum, mentioned that Indonesia's decarbonization investment value could reach US$1 trillion.

"With such funds, we can utilize them for the downstreaming of nickel, temvaga, and others, thus enhancing Indonesia's economic value," Bakrie stated during the "Green and Blue Energy: Big Push for the Future" discussion initiated by the Discordia Community at Meat Compiler Cikajang, South Jakarta, on Tuesday.

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Anindya Bakrie raih penghargaan IWAPI AWARD 2022

Photo :
  • VIVA/Agus Setiawan

"Most of these new energy sources are located in Eastern Indonesia, so downstreaming policies will help equalize our development," he added.

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Additionally, Bakrie highlighted that advancements in technology and capital have led to the significant business potential of previously subscale renewable energy sources like wind, geothermal, and hydro, which were smaller-scale 5-10 years ago.

"Therefore, our Bakrie company, which primarily relies on fossil fuels for energy, is ready to transition to new and renewable resources," Bakrie concluded.

As information, the speakers at this discussion included Discordia's Founder and Chairman Khalid Zabidi, VKTR's Founder and President Commissioner Anindya Bakrie.

Also, there were BRIN's Senior Researcher Zulkaida Akbar, and PLN's Executive Vice President Aditya Syarief Darmasetiawan.

Ketua Umum Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia, Anindya Bakrie

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Paris Agreement merupakan perjanjian global untuk menghadapi perubahan iklim. Perjanjian ini dicetuskan pada tahun 2016, yang mana negara pencetusnya adalah AS.

13 Februari 2025