Police Reveals Facts of Illegal Dog Shipment Case in Semarang
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Semarang – The Semarang City police have set five suspects who carried illegal dogs using a truck while passing through the Kalikangkung, Semarang Toll Road on Saturday. January 6.
One with the initial DH, a resident of Gemolong Sragen, was named as the main suspect who brought dogs illegally in Semarang.
Irwan Anwar, Semarang Police Chief Senior Commissioner stated that his team have named 5 suspects, with DH as the main suspect, and four others who participated in helping," he stated on Monday.
DH is the orderer, a resident of Gemolong Sragen. He has made several shipment of dogs, Anwar added.
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Anwar further conveyed that DH has made delivery twice in December, 2023.
Then, the dog was obtained from Subang. Therefore, police must do further investigation to the location, Anwar informed.
The perpetrators are charged with Article 89 Jo Article 66 letter a paragraph 1 of Law no. 41 of 2014 concerning Animal Husbandry and Animal Health as amended by Law no. 18 of 2009 Jo Article 302 of the Criminal Code.
In addition, there is also article 204 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 15 years imprisonment.
"The suspect may be charged with Law 41 of 2014 on animal husbandry and health. Article 89 prohibits carrying or moving animals from one region to another under the threat of 5 years," it said.
As for the dogs condition, they are currently being kept at the Dog Shelter in Semarang and assisted in temporary shelters.
"There are 12 dead dogs in autopsy and the dead body parts will be sent by UNAIR," Anwar concluded.