Animals Starve to Death in Gaza Zoo

Hewan-hewan di kebung binatang Gaza alami kelaparan
Sumber :
  • AFP

Gaza – Animals in Gaza are starving to death, especially at the Zoo in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip. This zoo is not only a place for animals to live but also a refuge for dozens of Palestinians displaced by the ongoing war with Israel. 

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Several animals such as monkeys, parrots, and lions kept in zoo cages are starving because food supplies are very limited.

Among the cages are plastic tents where families who lost their homes due to Israeli military attacks seek shelter.

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Adel Gomaa, a refugee from Gaza City, stated that many families lived in the zoo because their homes were destroyed by the conflict.

Hewan-hewan di kebung binatang Gaza alami kelaparan

Photo :
  • AFP
Sandera Israel Salahkan Pemerintahan Netanyahu atas Kematian Tawanan di Gaza

“Many families have disappeared completely. "Now our whole family lives in this zoo," said Adel Gomaa, who fled Gaza City on Monday. 

“Life among animals is more merciful than what we receive from fighter planes in space,” Goma added.

The condition of zoos is increasingly worrying with a lack of food and adequate facilities to care for starving animals. Zoo workers tried to feed tomato slices to the weak monkeys.

Meanwhile, a UN-backed report shows that Gaza is at risk of starvation, and this will not only humans but also animals trapped in zoos.

The ongoing conflict has halted imports of food, medicine, and other necessities into Gaza, exacerbating the food shortage situation among residents and zoo animals.

Despite efforts to provide aid, a series of logistical and security challenges are making it difficult for supplies to reach their destinations.

The story of starvation at the Gaza Zoo shows the deep impact of armed conflict on the lives of innocent animals. Further attention and assistance are needed to save the lives of animals that fall victim to this difficult situation.

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